Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pinterest for the win!

An Instagram friend made a post about building a safety bench for her fireplace hearth. I had been "pinteresting" the idea but hadn't pulled the trigger yet - I was using the highly effective "pillows in front of brick and hope for the best" method. Her post and the fact that Juniper was officially crawling and trying to pull up (and whose main goal in life was to crawl to the fireplace and knock pillows down, then try to stand up! Super safe!) made me bite the bullet and get this thing built! (What's up with my gun analogies today?!) 

First measure the height, width, and depth of you're fireplace hearth. I didn't bother building the ends because we have two chairs and I don't plan on Juniper being on the sides of the fireplace. 

Take those measurements to Home Depot and have some ply wood cut to size! They had a huge sheet on sale for $9.25. 

Head to JoAnns Fabric (after printing all of their coupons off line - including a 60% off of any item, 50% off fabric, & whatever else you can get!) 

Here I found 2 yards of brown fleece material - on sale for 9$/yard

I found my filler/batting for $24.99- but 60% off. Let's say $10 because math. 

I also purchased spray adhesive here for 3.99. 

I saved a little on the project because we already own a staple gun, I just had to buy staples for 7$. If you don't have a staple gun already you will need to add that into expenses! We also already had a drill and screws. 

(My handy pink tool kit I've had for 11 years that Chris complains about but hasn't replaced :) 

Now a lot of tutorials say to use wood glue and glue the wood first while
propping it up at the 90 degree angle and  clamp it overnight then screw the next day - but nobody's got time fo' that. I skipped the glue and went straight to drilling. 

Actually drilling into plywood kind of sucks, so thanks babe :) 

I then added my padding and spray adhesive. For best stick spray a little as you go, and spray your wood and fabric.  

I do regret using batting instead of say a foam mattress topper. When the dogs ruin this one I will re-do differently! 

Lay the fabric down on the ground and make sure smooth and straight. Put your newly built hearth cover in center, padding face down, and pull fabric tight around each side, using staple gun to secure every few inches. I think staple guns are fun. I stapled, a lot. 

My fireplace is 6' long. Two yards of fabric fit perfectly with a tight stretch. Just a reference when deciding how much to get. More is best! 

This only took me about 20 minutes total of actually putting together and I only spent around $52. I don't play. I get shit done. ☺️

Wah-lah! Safety and non-ghetto looking. Win win.  Juniper immediately crawled over and tried to pull up and I was 82% less worried. Also ... She CRAWLED over. She's been crawling for a couple of days now, so right around 8.5 months !!! My teeny baby!! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

(Baby) weight on my shoulders.

Y'all, I am totally okay with the way I look until I see a picture. My thyroid levels are great, I'm happier than I've ever been in my life, I have an amazing husband and baby, and as long as I avoid the scale and/or looking at pictures of myself I can live in ignorant bliss. 

I know that thyroid disease + breastfeeding play a major role in my weight loss progress (or lack thereof) I know that when Juniper weans I will no longer worry about my supply and my endocrinologist and I can work on losing weight with my hashimotos hypothyroid. I know that my body is doing and has done amazing things. After birthing a baby, making it through those first sleepless 6 weeks, and exclusively breastfeeding for 8+ months, I quite literally feel like superwoman. 

I'm proud of this body and all it has done. I see a cushy mommy who has put her baby first and knows when Juniper no longer needs to nurse, I will be more "me" again. Right now, and for the past 18 months, my body is shared. 

So why am I going through vacation pictures and afraid to post any on social media? I've realized it's not because I care how I look in these pictures. It's because I care what others will think. 
The muttered words of "look how big she has gotten" or "I can't believe she hasn't lost that baby weight".... And it makes me sick. It makes me sick that I care. It makes me sick that society has made us to care. 

My tummy is saggy and has stretch marks. But it housed and grew and protected my little girl. My boobs are out of control and can barely be contained, and unless I have surgery they will never look the same. But they nourish and comfort my little girl. My arms are where most of the weight seems to reside. But these arms cuddle, protect, carry, and play with my little girl. ( And change endless diapers.)  

I'm really over the "getting my body back" pictures mere weeks after having a baby. You never lost your body. It's been there kicking ass all along.

I wish we/society as a whole could put more focus on these things. The important things. Because when I look back on these pictures in 2,5,15,30years from now I will not see a "fat mommy", I will see a beautiful happy family who made amazing memories with close friends on a weekend getaway to Breckenridge. And that's what is important. 

Fun times at Oktoberfest, Juniper's first dinner out (she did great!), football, yummy food, amazing company, and beautiful views. ❤️  

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Changing of Seasons

Now that I am a mother, I pay a lot more attention to the time. Is it time for Juniper to eat/nap/play? Is it time for her to be crawling? Is it time for another tooth? Is it time to introduce more foods? I think about time, and I check the time, constantly. 

Then a little thing happens and I think of time in a totally different light. Why is time so fleeting. How is Juniper already 8 months old. 

The weather in Denver is still mid 80s, but now with lows in the 50s at night. The early mornings and late afternoons are crisp and you can smell autumn fast approaching. This is my favorite time of the year. 

Juniper always sleeps in a short sleeve onesie with a wearable "sleep sack" over it. Tonight though, it was time to switch her to long sleeves. Soon enough, pants and socks will be added as well. 

Juniper's first winter, spring, and summer have all come and gone. It was so surreal, putting the long sleeves on her. I can check the time, and the date, and see how she is growing and changing, but the switch to long sleeves truly stands out to me, signifying that the seasons are changing. 

I take a ton of photos of Juniper, because as much as I look forward to seeing her learn and grow and explore, I want to freeze time. I want to pause on every new facial expression. I want to always hear those sweet baby belly laughs. I want to relive watching her discover new things with those tiny fingers and looks of concern, over and over again. 

Life is really, really good, yall....but oh so fleeting. ❤️