Wednesday, May 25, 2016

16.5 months, my girl.

- You will only eat with a fork/spoon now. This started last week. I am so proud of you and your determination and those fine motor skills, and you DO eat a lot more when you use a fork because you enjoy the process, but man... Meals take like an hour each now ;) 

- You really enjoy having sunscreen put on. I'm not sure if it's the act itself or bx you know it means we're headed outside (which is like your heaven) but whenever you find one (or you go take it out of the diaper bag) you bring it to me saying "more more more "sunsunshine". Which is cute ALLL in itself 😍

- You have decided that your toots are really funny. You make sure daddy is around and near so that you can laugh together. Not my favorite thing, but I have to admit it's cute. Haha. And gross. 

- You LOVE graham crackers and melon. You run to the cabinets and say "crack crack cracker" and when you've had enough for the day and mommy tells you no, you run to the fridge and say meyon. 

- Your vocabulary is amazing to me. I used to run to my notebook and list every new word, but I've finally stopped doing that as maybe it was a little much (haha) and I can't keep up! You can say at least 20 animal sounds and well over that many words, although you are very selective of what you say and when. You're favorites are "no" and "more" and "gah" and "bath" and "all done" and "byebye" and "outside" ("shide") 

- "gah". No idea where this came from, but it's your word for water. We thought it was just for your particular water and cup, but you call pools, lakes, rivers, bath tub water, all "gah". 

- we went on vacation to Santa Fe, NM last weekend and you slept through the night and napped. It was heavenly. We have so many fun trips coming up and knowing you can hang and we can all sleep makes life a little easier :) 

- we love you more than words can say, baby girl. I wish I could pause time and that you will always want mommy around as fiercely as you do now. I love the nighttime cuddles when you ask for "one more" song or "gorgorilla" (goodnight gorilla - you're absolutely fave book - we do the motions of the lady making a shocked face and you crack up and wait for it every single time.) You make even the simple so beautiful and that's the ultimate in life right? To enjoy it all. Every little bit, right down to the routine and mundane. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Reflection: Rounding 30 fast ....

In exactly 3 weeks I will be 30 years old. 30 years old!!!! (Pause for dramatic effect and a tear or two....) 

I'm not actually sad to be turning 30. I am in a much better place than I was at 20, or even 25, I'm definitely more mature, and I have my husband, home, and baby! I AM sad that my entire life I've viewed 30 as so old and now here I am. At its doorstep. I don't feel so old. I feel as if my life has only just begun since getting married and having Juniper. I actually still look around and wonder "how the hell am I an adult? Who is letting me adult?!?!" I schedule doctor and dentist visits, and oil changes, (currently sitting in the lobby now). I go grocery shopping and plan menus, IVE LEARNED HOW TO COOK. All these things that at a young age you know will come eventually, and then BAM, it's here and you've learned how to be a self sufficient adult without even realizing what was happening. How did that happen? What point along the way did I go from barely knowing how to boil water to birthing a child and making sure our family has well-balanced meals that I prepare?! 

I spent a little while after having Juniper trying/wanting to fit in with the other moms. Wanting their acceptance. Wanting mom friends and play dates for Juniper so badly that I was buying the more boring mommy looking clothes (no offense) and not quite being myself. Not telling people what Chris did for a living because for some reason in year 2016 in a legal state people still judge you when your husband grows pot for a living. Only in the past few months did I decide fuck that. I was raised to be proud of who I am. I'm quirky and sarcastic and I have a lisp and unruly hair. I like bohemian clothes and bare feet. I don't care for makeup and most days you'll catch me without any. I'll never own khakis or high heels as long as I can get away with it. (Khakis - never. Ew. ) I have a huge heart with so much love to go around and I'll always be there for my friends. I started to feel not good enough. Because of other people ... Why would I hide who I am to meet a few stuffy judgemental moms? I don't WANT those people in my life. Y'all, since I decided not to care, I'm all kinds of free and happy. 

It's hard being in a different state. My best friends, the ones that love Juniper regardless of having barely met her, the ones that love me exactly as I am, are 2,000 miles away. Thank goodness for social media and text messages and air planes :) I will eventually find a mama tribe that isn't quite so far away, but until then I won't sell myself short. More importantly, I won't sell Chris short. He busts his ass for me to be a stay at home mom. I'm proud of him and his career, and anyone who can't at least respect that isn't good enough for me. 

So good bye 20's, bring it on 30! I'm exactly where I should be and looking forward to the future. Happily married and in love with my best friend, raising a beautiful baby girl, girl friends near and far who lift me up, supportive loving family, and finally finally not giving a shit what anyone else thinks. Hallelujah! 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Children's Museum

I've taken many kids to the children's museum (in Atlanta and Denver) and have always loved seeing them grow and interact there! Today I finally took Juniper because after 3 days stuck inside with snowy weather (yes... I know it's May) we were going to lose our minds if we were stuck inside any longer! This was apparently EVERYONE ELSE IN DENVERS IDEAS AS WELL, but at least we got there as soon as they opened at 9 and had a good 40 minutes because packed mad house ensued. 

Juniper was very out going and didn't get timid until it was VERY busy and overwhelming, she's coming out of her shy phase and I'm equally relieved and saddened! I'm not going to lie, the shy Juniper was a little more cautious and less dare-devil. Sighhh... 

I promise she had fun! When she was laughing and running full speed ahead my hands were too full to have my phone out :) 
The children's museum just finished a huge renovation and I have to admit I liked the old toddler area better. It was a little outdated but the play areas were really cute and practical. Instead of the tree house, the pretend garden, the little market, and the tables they now just have a big super modern pretend dentist area. It's creepy y'all. Teeth blocks and mice running around with teeth and I think they just went way over board with the dentist theme. One small area would have been fine! But the part of the toddler area that is the same is my favorite, juniper loves the stuffed animals and tunnel and stairs to climb. We had a fun day! She's currently in her crib NOT falling asleep, I imagine her little mind is doing its own blog version of our day. 

Have I mentioned I love being her mommy? Juniper - I love being your mommy. You bring me so much joy and I'm so thankful your daddy is providing so I can experience these days with you.