You are so strong-willed. You're determined to do things yourself (already!) or to at least pretend to. You like to brush your teeth, and trying to put the top on the bottle. When I was feeding you via syringe last week you would laugh and take the syringe from me and then dip it into the cup yourself. I love watching you learn.
You have been very attached to mommy lately and very cuddly, but I don't mind. Well I mind a little at 4am, and when I'm on the phone with an automated system and the whines keep making the thing say "I'm sorry. I do not understand". Same here, lady. Same here.
We haven't left the house much in the past few weeks, first because of you being sick, then mama sick, then you not eating, and then me having to pump around the clock. But now that I'm done pumping and you sometimes decide to eat, we're going to get out and about again when the snow clears.
I love you, so much. You teach me patience and have filled my heart with more than I could ever imagine. I wonder if I read to you enough, if I'm challenging your little growing mind enough, if you're getting a well-balanced diet (especially since you forego breastmilk and formula!)
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