Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Vacation pt.1

... Are we allowed a vacation immediately following a vacation? Traveling with a toddler is no joke, y'all. Add in Juniper's separation anxiety, time change, her refusal to sleep in the packNplay, and the tummy bug caught day #1 on the plane... and this mama is exhausted.  Even with all the stressors though, getting the fleeting moments with friends and family are well worth the journey. The night time baby cuddles were actually an added bonus ;) 
Seeing Juniper visit with and play with cousins, and catching up with friends and family = my heart is full! There's never enough time for all the people and places and food we need to catch up on.  The trip is always a whirlwind and were always a little over booked, but I'm so glad we got to see everyone that we did! 
I'll post again on "tips" later that helped us keep our sanity on the plane (not counting the 10 seconds I gazed out the window with tears in my eyes when a cranky overtired Juniper was fighting her nap... only for me to finally get a grip and her pass out for 90 minutes! 

On the first day Juniper didn't nap the entire flight or the drive from the airport. She passed out so hard when we went to target that her neenee and I had to alternate carrying her throughout the store. Our girl doesn't sleep on the go - this was definitely a first! 
Macon Road BBQ, my nana makes sure it's always on our agenda when I visit. 

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