Tuesday, August 23, 2016

It's. A.......


Oh my heart already feels so full. I had no idea how much I wanted this baby to be a boy. I even told myself I really wanted another girl. But I got the phone call today that this tiny baby that is wreaking havoc on my hair, digestive system, bladder, and sleeping habits is indeed a wittle boy. I knew it was, though. For the oddest reason. When we picked Juniper's name it clicked. We just knew she was Juniper Grace. Before pregnancy we had said a little girl would be Scarlet, but as soon as I was actually pregnant I despised the name. (No offense). She was 100% a Junipe Grace and I've never doubted or regret her name. This time around, we had zero ideas for a girls name. Because what can be as good as Juniper? ☺️ but we were 100% set on our boys name. Two strong family names that mean a lot to us with a cute little nickname. I told Chris just this weekend "I know it's a boy, that's why it doesn't matter what we think of for a girls name". 
 My only only bittersweet thought is of having to get rid of the boxes and boxes of Juniper baby clothes that I saved. I'll go through and keep all of her sweet Holiday smocks and anything that just holds a special memory. It'll be hard to let go though. Luckily most is going to a good friend and that makes me feel better about it. 
Life with an older girl and a baby brother. Just like my brother and I. We've had more downs than ups. I pray for a better relationship for my children. I know siblings will fight, but I also want them to hold each other as their first best friends. Someone who they can call as adults when I'm being ridiculous about one of them wanting to miss Thanksgiving to go to their girlfriends family house instead. I am your mother, you come spend Holidays with mama! 😂 
He will have all of Juniper's old girl toys, that doesn't bother me at all. I nannied boys for a good 6 years, and truly thought I would have no idea what to do with a girl. Now, I feel the exact opposite! 
We have so many changes coming up between now and babies arrival (new state, sell our house, buy a new house!, find new doctors, and most importantly Chris dreams coming true of owning his own business). I'm terrified and apprehensive and excited and proud and did I say terrified? 😂
Something about knowing the babies gender today has calmed a lot of my nerves. We have so many unknowns, and it feels good to have one less. 


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