I've battled with posting anything. Ive struggled to keep my mouth shut on social media as people say the "libtards" need to get over it. I've never been at a loss for words but when I sit down to write my feelings on this election, I don't know where to start. When people tell me I shouldn't be sad, afraid, or disheartened at the state of our country. I've had multiple friends text or call or email me upset that I am upset about Trump winning the election. I'm allowed to be sad. I'm allowed to grieve. I'm allowed to feel the way I feel, just as everyone else is.
My mom raised me to be loving and accepting of everyone. We are all the same. Generations have struggled to move towards equality for woman, all races, the LGBT community. In my heart, I truly believe we just took years off of this progress, and that saddens me. I want my children to be raised in an America full of diversity, open mindedness, acceptance of others and our differences. I want to live in that America as well.
I fear for the immigrant who will soon be torn from their families. Children from their parents. Husbands from wives. I am all for making changes necessary to control the amount of immigrants coming in, but these people came here for a chance at a better future. For a chance to flee a war-ridden country. For the chance to offer their children an education. Neither you nor I have been in that situation. I do know, I would do whatever I felt necessary to protect my family and children. If that meant seeking more safety illegally in another country than I currently had in my own, sign me up.
I fear for the Muslim community who have had to spend everyday since 9/11 worried about being profiled. Now it's not just a suspicion of theirs, it's a truth. For everyone in a hijab who is looked at as an extremist, terrorist, someone to fear.
I fear for a country governed by people so against the LGBT community. Pence has spent years supporting "gay cure" therapy, where he wanted to take money from HIV research and put it into sexual conversion therapy. To know our leaders are someone who believe homosexuality is something that can be cured, or more so NEEDS to be cured, it hurts my heart. In 2006 Pence signed a bill to ban same sex marriage. In 2013 Pence signed a bill that would jail same-sex couples in Indiana who applied for a marriage license. To prove that he wasn’t singling gay people out, Pence was also willing to jail marriage clerks who supplied a license or clergy who performed the wedding
I don't even think I need to list all of the examples of President Elect Trump being racist or sexist. I don't need to explain why I believe what I do with my body should be my own choice. I don't believe in fracking. I do believe in climate change. I do pay my taxes. He and I simply don't see eye to eye.
I am not just upset that Donald Trump is our next President. I am upset that over 50% of Americans either truly stand by him in all of his out dated beliefs, or that they chose to vote for him regardless of them. I am from the south, y'all. 90% of my friends voted for Trump. Do I think less of them? No. Do I judge them for having a differenting opinion than my own? No. Do I feel I can voice my thoughts and concerns openly with them? Not anymore.
I've prayed a lot. I pray that Donald Trump is a good president. I pray that women don't lose their rights. I pray that people who are in line with me can help our fellow HUMANS, whether homosexual or black or Muslim or Hispanic or in our country illegally or not, I pray that we can help ease the pain they feel. I pray that they know that not all of us see them differently. I pray for peace of mind, that I can accept this outcome and not stay bitter for too long.
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