I wanted to make a 2yr update for Juniper, and I want to brag on my daughter. Just a no holding back, proud mama brag blog. I want Juniper to look back on this one day and know that even though I'm hyper focused on getting Rivi home, her amazingness did not go unnoticed! These last 7.5 weeks have been insanely hard on all of us. Some days chris and I are barely getting by. That being said, I can't imagine what Juniper is going through. She doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what's going on (or does she?). We can explain all day but she doesn't know what "mommy is in hospital until further notice" means, or "mommy has to leave you and go see Rivi at doctor and when he's all better he gets to come to our house". It's all just been so much for her. She hasn't taken it totally in stride, she's given up naps, her tantrums last a little longer and are a little harder to tame, and when she's mad she's started throwing things. A lot of that is just being 2, as well.
She had her 2yr appt last week and the doctor was blown away by her vocabulary. She told the doctor all about "Baby Roovy" being with the doctor and needing boobie milk and having a bed and blankets and coming home "laler". When it's time for me to come visit her brother she says "ok mama take Roovy milk and come back". Before all of this, mama couldn't walk out of the room to pee, much less tell her good bye. She's full of so much empathy, she doesn't like when she hears anyone crying, and when I was recovering from surgery she was so sweet and careful and helpful. "Your booboo hurt mama? I sowwy. Need doctor? Need medicine? I be doctor Juju" ❤ Melt. My. Heart.
Today she told me that her diaper hurt her vagina 😂 and that she wanted to sit on the potty. We've never discussed the potty. Life is too hectic right now to add potty training into the mix. Well daddy let her sit on the big potty and I got the little one out for her. She sat on it for a few minutes and forgot about it. This evening when I came to see "Roovy" Juniper asked daddy to take her to sit on the potty. And. She. Peed. In. It. As much as I hated to not be home for it, I'm so so proud of her! (And proud of daddy because he got a video for me 😂 and celebrated with ice cream. He's pretty good at this dad thing)
Juniper Grace you amaze me every single day. You are kind and smart and silly and strong willed to the point of exhaustion but that could just be the not napping! ;) you love to color (your face and hands) and paint and play with blocks to "build houses". Chasing Harper is your fave pastime and your current favorite foods are blueberries, pasta, and bacon 😂😩 (sweet girl you don't eat meat at all. We've tried and given up. But if daddy makes bacon you are all over it). We love you so, so much.
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