I've been in the hospital two weeks now. Baby Rivi and I have made it to 31 weeks pregnant, which is amazing. The goal is 3-4 more.
I'm struggling today. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, today is dreary and rainy and I just want to be home with my family and warm by the fire with our dogs. It's weird, bc I know the hospital is the safest place for Rivi, and I know the doctors fully believe in hospital bed rest after PPROM bc the risk of infection for him or I is way too high to risk going home and not making it back in time, or not catching something wrong early enough. I know the monitoring 3-4x a day is very important for baby. I KNOW all of these things. Yet it doesn't really make being here any easier. Mostly bc I feel ok. I'm not in pain or really uncomfortable and I FEEL like I could be home on bed rest. (Realistically how much would I stay in bed w/ a Juniper and dogs and chores?). So I get it.
But this sucks. I just went to the hospital gift shop before it closes for holidays and got something for Renee and Chris, and a few things for Juniper. Bc I feel like I'm totally slacking for Christmas. There won't be any Santa laid out for my girl, there won't be the Christmas morning food and treats I had planned or leaving cookies for Santa and his reindeer... and even though I know I have next year, it hurts. And I know she won't remember, and I know Chris could do it all without me, but it just feels all wrong. And so, so sad.
Ultimately all I want is this baby boy to be safe and healthy and a very short Nicu stay. I want to hold him and cuddle him and know that all of this was not for vain, but for his very livelihood. I hopes he's planning on being a mamas boy because he's already made me worry so much he's never leaving my sight ;)
Hope ya didn't come here for a happy, positive, uplifting read, bc I don't have it in me. I know it could be worse. I know others have it way worse. I know I'm blessed to have amazing doctor care and loving supportive husband and a mother in law who jumped on a plane to immediately come help with Juniper. It just doesn't feel like Christmas. Bah Humbug
Friday, December 23, 2016
Friday, December 16, 2016
Preterm premature rupture of membranes. My water broke Saturday 12/10/16 in my sleep at 5:30 AM. At 29 weeks 1 day pregnant. I calmly got dressed and asked Chris not to come to the hospital with me because Juniper was sleeping and we all know how important toddler sleep is. I also assumed they would tell me I peed my pants and to go home. The nurses probably assumed that would be the case too. After they confirmed it was amniotic fluid the entire mood in the room shifted. The nurses were nervous glancing. This changed things. This was hospital bed rest. This was premature baby. This was no going home to see my girl and husband. I cried. Hard. Ugly cried. I almost felt bad for the nurses and doctor, but I couldn't control it.
I was told no matter what we won't keep Rivi in past 34 weeks bc it's too dangerous for him and myself. No matter what we're looking at here, there's going to be a nicu stay. Statistically labor happens within 48 hours of PPROM, and the rest within a week. I'm holding hope that I am one of the few who make it weeks.
This only happens to 5% of women without a pre-existing medical condition. I am one of the 5%.
I won't go into details of the emotions over the past few days or even now, because I don't want to type them and relive them or even share them yet, maybe ever. But they were far, far from positive.
I've had IV of antibiotics, Rivi has gotten his steroid shots for his lungs, and we were on every 6hr monitoring. On Saturday my amniotic fluid was a 12 (normal is 5-22). So low end, but okay. I couldn't go home bc risk of infection and preterm labor was too probable.
Today at 29w6days (in 2.5 hours we get to say 30 weeks!) Rivi had an irregular monitoring session. His heartrate was dipping like crazy. We got the ultrasound guy in here and his amniotic fluid is down to just 2.5. I am on constant monitoring now and the worry about my premature baby is back full force. Every ache, every pain, every tightening or cramping of stomach and I'm worried that labor is beginning.
I'm trying to make this update be factual, not emotional. I'm not ready to share or address these emotions. All I can say is, this is hard. This sucks. But every day Rivi stays in, is another day to a healthier baby and a shorter Nicu stay.
At this point I have no control, and no idea what may happen. Depending on how baby is doing I will possibly be having an emergency c-section. I wanted vaginal. Babies can't suckle/nurse until 33 weeks, I wanted to breastfeed desperately. All I want now is healthy. My tiny love will be on a CPAP for breathing and a feeding tube until we can get him old enough and strong enough to nurse. And only having those two things is absolutely best case scenario.
We were told to get helicopter insurance (so we did). If he needs a procedure we will have to be flown to Portland. My mind can't wrap around all of this. I can't process it yet.
So that's the gist of details for those who have been wondering the medical/technical side. They are currently setting up a delivery area in my room, where as they don't believe it will necessarily be tonight, but when things change they change quickly and they want to be prepared.
Right now I'm savoring the hour or so that I see Chris and Juniper a day, and hoping/praying this baby stays inside and grows stronger for a while longer. I know the NICU journey will be much more difficult than the bed rest journey, and I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself.
Thank you so much for all of the flowers, calls, txt, messages, comments, prayers and love. They're so appreciated.
Preterm premature rupture of membranes. My water broke Saturday 12/10/16 in my sleep at 5:30 AM. At 29 weeks 1 day pregnant. I calmly got dressed and asked Chris not to come to the hospital with me because Juniper was sleeping and we all know how important toddler sleep is. I also assumed they would tell me I peed my pants and to go home. The nurses probably assumed that would be the case too. After they confirmed it was amniotic fluid the entire mood in the room shifted. The nurses were nervous glancing. This changed things. This was hospital bed rest. This was premature baby. This was no going home to see my girl and husband. I cried. Hard. Ugly cried. I almost felt bad for the nurses and doctor, but I couldn't control it.
I was told no matter what we won't keep Rivi in past 34 weeks bc it's too dangerous for him and myself. No matter what we're looking at here, there's going to be a nicu stay. Statistically labor happens within 48 hours of PPROM, and the rest within a week. I'm holding hope that I am one of the few who make it weeks.
This only happens to 5% of women without a pre-existing medical condition. I am one of the 5%.
I won't go into details of the emotions over the past few days or even now, because I don't want to type them and relive them or even share them yet, maybe ever. But they were far, far from positive.
I've had IV of antibiotics, Rivi has gotten his steroid shots for his lungs, and we were on every 6hr monitoring. On Saturday my amniotic fluid was a 12 (normal is 5-22). So low end, but okay. I couldn't go home bc risk of infection and preterm labor was too probable.
Today at 29w6days (in 2.5 hours we get to say 30 weeks!) Rivi had an irregular monitoring session. His heartrate was dipping like crazy. We got the ultrasound guy in here and his amniotic fluid is down to just 2.5. I am on constant monitoring now and the worry about my premature baby is back full force. Every ache, every pain, every tightening or cramping of stomach and I'm worried that labor is beginning.
I'm trying to make this update be factual, not emotional. I'm not ready to share or address these emotions. All I can say is, this is hard. This sucks. But every day Rivi stays in, is another day to a healthier baby and a shorter Nicu stay.
At this point I have no control, and no idea what may happen. Depending on how baby is doing I will possibly be having an emergency c-section. I wanted vaginal. Babies can't suckle/nurse until 33 weeks, I wanted to breastfeed desperately. All I want now is healthy. My tiny love will be on a CPAP for breathing and a feeding tube until we can get him old enough and strong enough to nurse. And only having those two things is absolutely best case scenario.
We were told to get helicopter insurance (so we did). If he needs a procedure we will have to be flown to Portland. My mind can't wrap around all of this. I can't process it yet.
So that's the gist of details for those who have been wondering the medical/technical side. They are currently setting up a delivery area in my room, where as they don't believe it will necessarily be tonight, but when things change they change quickly and they want to be prepared.
Right now I'm savoring the hour or so that I see Chris and Juniper a day, and hoping/praying this baby stays inside and grows stronger for a while longer. I know the NICU journey will be much more difficult than the bed rest journey, and I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself.
Thank you so much for all of the flowers, calls, txt, messages, comments, prayers and love. They're so appreciated.
Monday, November 21, 2016
almost 2..... mama denial....
HOW are you almost 2 π©
Juniper will be TWO years old in 6.5 weeks. I can barely wrap my brain around this. It feels as if time has flown by and it couldn't possibly be two years already, and that you've been here all along. There's so much I want to remember:
- You're counting! To 10, all on your own and unprompted. Pretty sure you only understand what 1 and 2 are, but it's still precious to hear and see how proud you are.
- Your vocabulary is astounding to us. We're always amazed at what you remember, repeat, and come up with.
- Some favorite phrases of ours:
- "sit by" or "sit bottom" when you either want to sit on the counter, or want us to sit by you.
- "Ohhhhh I sowwy mama. I sowwy. You k?"
- After a big sadness or tantrum with tears "I cyin mama. I cy"
- Danks ma!
- You only drink water and milk, and anything you aren't allowed to have you think is "beer". Was cute at first, but it's a little awkward walking through a store super pregnant while you point at bottles or cans and call them "mommy daddy beer!" At least you've learned coffee now and mostly yell out "mama cofE daddy beer!"
- You have come to with your own sort of rationalizing/self soothing. If you can't have something at that moment you usually stop fussing and say "k. Store laler" (later!) even if we say no to iPad usage, you tell yourself it's ok, get one at the store later π
- You're obsessed with doggies. You wake up asking to go visit Sheba at the farm and randomly talk about her. Yesterday at an outdoor restaurant you were making your rounds and petting all the dogs (thanks Oregon!) and ran straight up to a huge pit bull. No fear, my girl.
- I semi regret ever buying a wagon bc you are 100% OVER the stroller. It's wagon or nothing!
- Your fave foods are apples, asparagus, eggs, and unfortunately any chip daddy will let you have. You cried so hard for the jalapeΓ±o chips he had that you ate a few like a champ, just to prove your point.
- You did better with our big move than expected. You need mama to rub your back for you to fall asleep now, and I have to remind myself to see it as a blessing and not an annoyance, bc one day you won't want me to anymore.
- Your tantrums are tenfold. I can't even.
- When another child cries when we are out and you are nearby you walk your shy self over and silently lay your hands on their back or pat them until their mommies come over. Melts my whole heart. Kindness and compassion go a long way, and I hope it's something we can instill for a lifetime.
- You HATE Santa. You even told us you don't want new toys if they have to come from "dat man" π
- You love looking at photo albums and pointing out your family members. You beg to FaceTime neenee every couple of days!
- Harper and Poncho are either your best friends or biggest enemies, depending if you're defending a snack or not.
- One of my faves ... when I'm laying with you you crawl up really close and ball up your fists and gently rub them over my eyes while saying "tired mama? Tired? It's ok mama. Tired".
- Singing is your passion. For now. Seriously. You ask to sing/dance multiple times a day. No matter what is on you are humming along and pretending you know the words.
- Your hand motions to the wheels on the bus are the cutest things I've ever seen.
We love you so much, sweet wild child.
Juniper will be TWO years old in 6.5 weeks. I can barely wrap my brain around this. It feels as if time has flown by and it couldn't possibly be two years already, and that you've been here all along. There's so much I want to remember:
- You're counting! To 10, all on your own and unprompted. Pretty sure you only understand what 1 and 2 are, but it's still precious to hear and see how proud you are.
- Your vocabulary is astounding to us. We're always amazed at what you remember, repeat, and come up with.
- Some favorite phrases of ours:
- "sit by" or "sit bottom" when you either want to sit on the counter, or want us to sit by you.
- "Ohhhhh I sowwy mama. I sowwy. You k?"
- After a big sadness or tantrum with tears "I cyin mama. I cy"
- Danks ma!
- You only drink water and milk, and anything you aren't allowed to have you think is "beer". Was cute at first, but it's a little awkward walking through a store super pregnant while you point at bottles or cans and call them "mommy daddy beer!" At least you've learned coffee now and mostly yell out "mama cofE daddy beer!"
- You have come to with your own sort of rationalizing/self soothing. If you can't have something at that moment you usually stop fussing and say "k. Store laler" (later!) even if we say no to iPad usage, you tell yourself it's ok, get one at the store later π
- You're obsessed with doggies. You wake up asking to go visit Sheba at the farm and randomly talk about her. Yesterday at an outdoor restaurant you were making your rounds and petting all the dogs (thanks Oregon!) and ran straight up to a huge pit bull. No fear, my girl.
- I semi regret ever buying a wagon bc you are 100% OVER the stroller. It's wagon or nothing!
- Your fave foods are apples, asparagus, eggs, and unfortunately any chip daddy will let you have. You cried so hard for the jalapeΓ±o chips he had that you ate a few like a champ, just to prove your point.
- You did better with our big move than expected. You need mama to rub your back for you to fall asleep now, and I have to remind myself to see it as a blessing and not an annoyance, bc one day you won't want me to anymore.
- Your tantrums are tenfold. I can't even.
- When another child cries when we are out and you are nearby you walk your shy self over and silently lay your hands on their back or pat them until their mommies come over. Melts my whole heart. Kindness and compassion go a long way, and I hope it's something we can instill for a lifetime.
- You HATE Santa. You even told us you don't want new toys if they have to come from "dat man" π
- You love looking at photo albums and pointing out your family members. You beg to FaceTime neenee every couple of days!
- Harper and Poncho are either your best friends or biggest enemies, depending if you're defending a snack or not.
- One of my faves ... when I'm laying with you you crawl up really close and ball up your fists and gently rub them over my eyes while saying "tired mama? Tired? It's ok mama. Tired".
- Singing is your passion. For now. Seriously. You ask to sing/dance multiple times a day. No matter what is on you are humming along and pretending you know the words.
- Your hand motions to the wheels on the bus are the cutest things I've ever seen.
We love you so much, sweet wild child.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Dreamers dream they never die
We're here! WEVE MOVED TO OREGON! I can tell you that 7 years ago no part of my brain could fathom that my future would consist of: marrying my best friend. having his babies. moving to Colorado. My man killing it in the medical marijuana business and expanding to Oregon to be his own COO. Y'all. I can't talk about this move without talking about how proud I am of Chris. So many of us have big dreams. We talk about them and think about them and even go as far as to planning them out. But how many of us leap? Chris took that leap. We moved across the country 4 years ago with little money and no jobs, but he had a plan. We borrowed and scrimped by and even though so many times life would have been easier to just give up, Chris persevered. On top of working his ass off 24/7, he became a daddy. His priorities shifted to providing for his family but never slacking with work, never not planning and perfecting his trade. (Growing pot isn't easy. It may be controversial, it may not be thought if as a craft, but so much goes into it, especially when you care the way Chris does. When you want to be proud of your final product.) I've watched Chris try many methods, not all of them being successful. I've watched him get frustrated and tired and pessimistic, and I've watched him get over it, try harder, and succeed. Are things going to get magically easier now that we are in Oregon? Absolutely not. As with any company, the start up will be slow. The return may be slow. Many obstacles will arise. But I've watched Chris from the beginning, and when he loses faith in himself and his dreams, I've got his back. I believe in his dreams! Because I KNOW he's more than capable. He inspires me everyday to be a better person. To try harder. To work harder. To push harder. That's my mindset with being in a new town with a toddler and soon to be newborn. We will persevere. We will make a wonderful life here because we're blessed to be where we are. Follow your dreams. Even if they take you 2,200 miles from your friends and family and the place you've always known, go after them. Family won't go anywhere, and neither will your true friends. Your dreams are far more capable of passing you by, go get them. It won't be easy! It will be worth it. ✌️️π
Thursday, November 10, 2016
I've battled with posting anything. Ive struggled to keep my mouth shut on social media as people say the "libtards" need to get over it. I've never been at a loss for words but when I sit down to write my feelings on this election, I don't know where to start. When people tell me I shouldn't be sad, afraid, or disheartened at the state of our country. I've had multiple friends text or call or email me upset that I am upset about Trump winning the election. I'm allowed to be sad. I'm allowed to grieve. I'm allowed to feel the way I feel, just as everyone else is.
My mom raised me to be loving and accepting of everyone. We are all the same. Generations have struggled to move towards equality for woman, all races, the LGBT community. In my heart, I truly believe we just took years off of this progress, and that saddens me. I want my children to be raised in an America full of diversity, open mindedness, acceptance of others and our differences. I want to live in that America as well.
I fear for the immigrant who will soon be torn from their families. Children from their parents. Husbands from wives. I am all for making changes necessary to control the amount of immigrants coming in, but these people came here for a chance at a better future. For a chance to flee a war-ridden country. For the chance to offer their children an education. Neither you nor I have been in that situation. I do know, I would do whatever I felt necessary to protect my family and children. If that meant seeking more safety illegally in another country than I currently had in my own, sign me up.
I fear for the Muslim community who have had to spend everyday since 9/11 worried about being profiled. Now it's not just a suspicion of theirs, it's a truth. For everyone in a hijab who is looked at as an extremist, terrorist, someone to fear.
I fear for a country governed by people so against the LGBT community. Pence has spent years supporting "gay cure" therapy, where he wanted to take money from HIV research and put it into sexual conversion therapy. To know our leaders are someone who believe homosexuality is something that can be cured, or more so NEEDS to be cured, it hurts my heart. In 2006 Pence signed a bill to ban same sex marriage. In 2013 Pence signed a bill that would jail same-sex couples in Indiana who applied for a marriage license. To prove that he wasn’t singling gay people out, Pence was also willing to jail marriage clerks who supplied a license or clergy who performed the wedding
I don't even think I need to list all of the examples of President Elect Trump being racist or sexist. I don't need to explain why I believe what I do with my body should be my own choice. I don't believe in fracking. I do believe in climate change. I do pay my taxes. He and I simply don't see eye to eye.
I am not just upset that Donald Trump is our next President. I am upset that over 50% of Americans either truly stand by him in all of his out dated beliefs, or that they chose to vote for him regardless of them. I am from the south, y'all. 90% of my friends voted for Trump. Do I think less of them? No. Do I judge them for having a differenting opinion than my own? No. Do I feel I can voice my thoughts and concerns openly with them? Not anymore.
I've prayed a lot. I pray that Donald Trump is a good president. I pray that women don't lose their rights. I pray that people who are in line with me can help our fellow HUMANS, whether homosexual or black or Muslim or Hispanic or in our country illegally or not, I pray that we can help ease the pain they feel. I pray that they know that not all of us see them differently. I pray for peace of mind, that I can accept this outcome and not stay bitter for too long.
My mom raised me to be loving and accepting of everyone. We are all the same. Generations have struggled to move towards equality for woman, all races, the LGBT community. In my heart, I truly believe we just took years off of this progress, and that saddens me. I want my children to be raised in an America full of diversity, open mindedness, acceptance of others and our differences. I want to live in that America as well.
I fear for the immigrant who will soon be torn from their families. Children from their parents. Husbands from wives. I am all for making changes necessary to control the amount of immigrants coming in, but these people came here for a chance at a better future. For a chance to flee a war-ridden country. For the chance to offer their children an education. Neither you nor I have been in that situation. I do know, I would do whatever I felt necessary to protect my family and children. If that meant seeking more safety illegally in another country than I currently had in my own, sign me up.
I fear for the Muslim community who have had to spend everyday since 9/11 worried about being profiled. Now it's not just a suspicion of theirs, it's a truth. For everyone in a hijab who is looked at as an extremist, terrorist, someone to fear.
I fear for a country governed by people so against the LGBT community. Pence has spent years supporting "gay cure" therapy, where he wanted to take money from HIV research and put it into sexual conversion therapy. To know our leaders are someone who believe homosexuality is something that can be cured, or more so NEEDS to be cured, it hurts my heart. In 2006 Pence signed a bill to ban same sex marriage. In 2013 Pence signed a bill that would jail same-sex couples in Indiana who applied for a marriage license. To prove that he wasn’t singling gay people out, Pence was also willing to jail marriage clerks who supplied a license or clergy who performed the wedding
I don't even think I need to list all of the examples of President Elect Trump being racist or sexist. I don't need to explain why I believe what I do with my body should be my own choice. I don't believe in fracking. I do believe in climate change. I do pay my taxes. He and I simply don't see eye to eye.
I am not just upset that Donald Trump is our next President. I am upset that over 50% of Americans either truly stand by him in all of his out dated beliefs, or that they chose to vote for him regardless of them. I am from the south, y'all. 90% of my friends voted for Trump. Do I think less of them? No. Do I judge them for having a differenting opinion than my own? No. Do I feel I can voice my thoughts and concerns openly with them? Not anymore.
I've prayed a lot. I pray that Donald Trump is a good president. I pray that women don't lose their rights. I pray that people who are in line with me can help our fellow HUMANS, whether homosexual or black or Muslim or Hispanic or in our country illegally or not, I pray that we can help ease the pain they feel. I pray that they know that not all of us see them differently. I pray for peace of mind, that I can accept this outcome and not stay bitter for too long.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Thyroid π
I've spent 7 years trying to figure out how to "feel better" and lose weight. More important than the weight gain, was figuring out the exhaustion, muscle pain, and swollen face. I started out on synthroid in 2010 where a doctor told me "bad news! You have hypothyroid and need medication for the rest of your life. Good news! You will lose the weight you've gained and the brain fog will go away and you will feel amazing" I was young and naive and I believed her. I did no research. Just trusted her and my little synthroid pill. I then gained 50
More lbs. Everything hurt. I couldn't concentrate or focus and my nannying jobs that I loved went from fun days to work. I spent 3 years like this until we moved to Colorado and I switched to Armour thyroid. (It's natural dessicated pig thyroid and isn't often prescribed without some pushing from the patient.). I switched and felt so much better. I still
couldn't lose weight. I still couldn't grow my eyebrows back. But my body didn't hurt and I had a little more energy so I took it as a win. This pregnancy I wasn't responding well to a higher dose of armour. With many tears and frustration they convinced me to take a small
Dose of synthroid along with my armour. Fine. Your synthetic drugs that gave me serious depression. I'll do it because this growing baby needs it. Fast forward two months in, and regardless of normal
Pregnant symptoms and exhaustion, I am starting to feel like the old me. The energetic, motivated, OPEN EYED me. (See pic!). My eyebrows are growing back. Last pregnancy I was already up 15 lbs at this point (I gained a total of 55 and didn't lose any after Juniper was born, only the 8lbs of Juniper!) this pregnancy I am down 6 lbs. which is insane considering I can't lose weight even when I TRY. (Don't worry baby is healthy!) I don't know why I'm responding this time around, the doctors believe it's because I was under medicated while in Atlanta. So will this feeling better stick around after baby and we totally switch my meds? Who knows. But for a girl who had totally given up on losing weight, seeing her eyelids or eyebrows again, or not hurting all day, it gives me HOPE!!!! And life is a lot less dreary looking with renewed HOPE!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Road trip to Oregon! W/ a toddler!
I've read SO many blog and advice posts on "best ways to road trip with a toddler" and "traveling with toddler made easy!" Y'all, AINT NOTHING EASY about a 20hr car ride with a 19 month old. NOTHING.
We made it through, she did way better than I could have ever imagined. (Also what kid can be in the car for 11 straight hours and not fall asleep? MY KID).
She also got non stop iPad usage and portable DVD player. While I stand behind "we couldn't have done it without it", when we got home is was absolutely time to do away with any and all screen time. (Also drastically changed our diets because no matter how hard you try, it's really hard to eat healthy on a 7 day road trip).
Day 5 into our new rules, and I'm not kidding, Juniper is my sweet fun toddler again. We laugh and sing and play and she PLAYS ON HER OWN again for the first time in months. We're probably reading 50 books a day, but it beats her tantrumming for the iPad and I love reading to her.
We (I) was getting lax about her food choices. If she refused fruit I would just give her a cracker. If daddy had chips, she could share chips. She would tantrum in kitchen and refuse all healthy snacks and meals and I would just give her something else and let her win. After our trip I started reading about ideal toddler eating and snack schedules (we decided on one where the AM snack can be a simple carb like graham crackers, but the after nap one must be healthy such as yogurt or melon or apples and peanut butter/ cucumbers and ranch/ etx. I also moved dinner to 5:30 so that we wouldn't be giving her an extra snack in there to buy time to a later dinner. Oh my gosh, every night this week she's eaten all the veggies she has refused for months (and second helpings, too!)
In the morning I used to give her a cup of dry cereal to hold her off until I was awake bough to cook breakfast, then she started refusing real breakfast, snacking all morning, and not eating a good lunch. I skip the cereal and make my lazy pre caffeinated self make breakfast, and for the first time in months she's eating eggs and smoothies and toast and things she's refused for a while now.
I went through my first trimester in this pregnancy being so miserable that I was just trying to get through. "Curious George and bad snacks and let me vomit in peace!" This was immediately followed by a virus that the whole family picked up and then our week long trip. The mama guilt was real and strong. I came home and journaled and prayed and whined to
friends and decided it's time for changes. For Juniper and for myself.
I hope this doesn't come off as a brag post. Because if Ive learned anything about being a mama, it's that I'll be struggling to figure my child out again by Friday and at my wits end and needing to start all over. But that's just life, we do the best we can with what we've got and if I can go to bed each night knowing that I tried my best, I'm counting it as a win.
I can't say when or if I'll allow screen time at home again, I know when we travel next week I'll pull out the iPad and cookies to get through the flight. When we have this second baby and I'm exhausted and learning to juggle 2, I'm pretty sure Curious George will be my babysitter. I can say without a doubt, our child absolutely does life better without television or iPad and thrives when we spend the day outside, reading books, coloring and crafting.
Ps - Bend, Oregon is absolutely beautiful and I'm pretty excited this is where our adventure leads us next. A small mountain town with all the perks this city girl enjoys (whole foods, trader joes, foody non-chain restaurants). As well as 17 miles to the ski lifts at Mt. Bachelor, and minutes from kayaking, hiking, cross country skiing, and a ton of river-side craft beer.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
It's. A.......
Oh my heart already feels so full. I had no idea how much I wanted this baby to be a boy. I even told myself I really wanted another girl. But I got the phone call today that this tiny baby that is wreaking havoc on my hair, digestive system, bladder, and sleeping habits is indeed a wittle boy. I knew it was, though. For the oddest reason. When we picked Juniper's name it clicked. We just knew she was Juniper Grace. Before pregnancy we had said a little girl would be Scarlet, but as soon as I was actually pregnant I despised the name. (No offense). She was 100% a Junipe Grace and I've never doubted or regret her name. This time around, we had zero ideas for a girls name. Because what can be as good as Juniper? ☺️ but we were 100% set on our boys name. Two strong family names that mean a lot to us with a cute little nickname. I told Chris just this weekend "I know it's a boy, that's why it doesn't matter what we think of for a girls name".
My only only bittersweet thought is of having to get rid of the boxes and boxes of Juniper baby clothes that I saved. I'll go through and keep all of her sweet Holiday smocks and anything that just holds a special memory. It'll be hard to let go though. Luckily most is going to a good friend and that makes me feel better about it.
Life with an older girl and a baby brother. Just like my brother and I. We've had more downs than ups. I pray for a better relationship for my children. I know siblings will fight, but I also want them to hold each other as their first best friends. Someone who they can call as adults when I'm being ridiculous about one of them wanting to miss Thanksgiving to go to their girlfriends family house instead. I am your mother, you come spend Holidays with mama! π
He will have all of Juniper's old girl toys, that doesn't bother me at all. I nannied boys for a good 6 years, and truly thought I would have no idea what to do with a girl. Now, I feel the exact opposite!
We have so many changes coming up between now and babies arrival (new state, sell our house, buy a new house!, find new doctors, and most importantly Chris dreams coming true of owning his own business). I'm terrified and apprehensive and excited and proud and did I say terrified? π
Something about knowing the babies gender today has calmed a lot of my nerves. We have so many unknowns, and it feels good to have one less.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
My sweet girl is growing and changing so fast. She's talking up a storm! I wanted to write a few of her cute/toddler stories before I forget them!
Today she threw a plastic cup at the dog -as she was yelling "I sowwwwwie!"
She had a babysitter while I had a dr appt this morning. She is usually very shy and saves her words for mom and dad. At snack time Mrs Nancy asked
"Do you want a cracker or yogurt?"
J - cookie
"I'm pretty sure you don't get a cookie for snack. Yogurt or cracker?
J- cookie peeeeeeaaaazzzzz
"Juniper ....."
J - peas peas peas peas.
Girlfriend used her manners to play a sitter and get a cookie for her snack. Trouble y'all, trouble.
I've had some awful morning sickness. All day long sickness. Death sickness. Juniper will pat my back, kiss my back, slowly back out of the bathroom, then run through the house making gagging noises π
She's so much fun. I want to savor every second but it's constantly changing and evolving. Baby #2 will add into the mix next year and I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared. I'm enjoying every last day of this just me and Juniper time, and I hope she will love being a big sister!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
16.5 months, my girl.
- You will only eat with a fork/spoon now. This started last week. I am so proud of you and your determination and those fine motor skills, and you DO eat a lot more when you use a fork because you enjoy the process, but man... Meals take like an hour each now ;)
- You really enjoy having sunscreen put on. I'm not sure if it's the act itself or bx you know it means we're headed outside (which is like your heaven) but whenever you find one (or you go take it out of the diaper bag) you bring it to me saying "more more more "sunsunshine". Which is cute ALLL in itself π
- You have decided that your toots are really funny. You make sure daddy is around and near so that you can laugh together. Not my favorite thing, but I have to admit it's cute. Haha. And gross.
- You LOVE graham crackers and melon. You run to the cabinets and say "crack crack cracker" and when you've had enough for the day and mommy tells you no, you run to the fridge and say meyon.
- Your vocabulary is amazing to me. I used to run to my notebook and list every new word, but I've finally stopped doing that as maybe it was a little much (haha) and I can't keep up! You can say at least 20 animal sounds and well over that many words, although you are very selective of what you say and when. You're favorites are "no" and "more" and "gah" and "bath" and "all done" and "byebye" and "outside" ("shide")
- "gah". No idea where this came from, but it's your word for water. We thought it was just for your particular water and cup, but you call pools, lakes, rivers, bath tub water, all "gah".
- we went on vacation to Santa Fe, NM last weekend and you slept through the night and napped. It was heavenly. We have so many fun trips coming up and knowing you can hang and we can all sleep makes life a little easier :)
- we love you more than words can say, baby girl. I wish I could pause time and that you will always want mommy around as fiercely as you do now. I love the nighttime cuddles when you ask for "one more" song or "gorgorilla" (goodnight gorilla - you're absolutely fave book - we do the motions of the lady making a shocked face and you crack up and wait for it every single time.) You make even the simple so beautiful and that's the ultimate in life right? To enjoy it all. Every little bit, right down to the routine and mundane.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Reflection: Rounding 30 fast ....
In exactly 3 weeks I will be 30 years old. 30 years old!!!! (Pause for dramatic effect and a tear or two....)
I'm not actually sad to be turning 30. I am in a much better place than I was at 20, or even 25, I'm definitely more mature, and I have my husband, home, and baby! I AM sad that my entire life I've viewed 30 as so old and now here I am. At its doorstep. I don't feel so old. I feel as if my life has only just begun since getting married and having Juniper. I actually still look around and wonder "how the hell am I an adult? Who is letting me adult?!?!" I schedule doctor and dentist visits, and oil changes, (currently sitting in the lobby now). I go grocery shopping and plan menus, IVE LEARNED HOW TO COOK. All these things that at a young age you know will come eventually, and then BAM, it's here and you've learned how to be a self sufficient adult without even realizing what was happening. How did that happen? What point along the way did I go from barely knowing how to boil water to birthing a child and making sure our family has well-balanced meals that I prepare?!
I spent a little while after having Juniper trying/wanting to fit in with the other moms. Wanting their acceptance. Wanting mom friends and play dates for Juniper so badly that I was buying the more boring mommy looking clothes (no offense) and not quite being myself. Not telling people what Chris did for a living because for some reason in year 2016 in a legal state people still judge you when your husband grows pot for a living. Only in the past few months did I decide fuck that. I was raised to be proud of who I am. I'm quirky and sarcastic and I have a lisp and unruly hair. I like bohemian clothes and bare feet. I don't care for makeup and most days you'll catch me without any. I'll never own khakis or high heels as long as I can get away with it. (Khakis - never. Ew. ) I have a huge heart with so much love to go around and I'll always be there for my friends. I started to feel not good enough. Because of other people ... Why would I hide who I am to meet a few stuffy judgemental moms? I don't WANT those people in my life. Y'all, since I decided not to care, I'm all kinds of free and happy.
It's hard being in a different state. My best friends, the ones that love Juniper regardless of having barely met her, the ones that love me exactly as I am, are 2,000 miles away. Thank goodness for social media and text messages and air planes :) I will eventually find a mama tribe that isn't quite so far away, but until then I won't sell myself short. More importantly, I won't sell Chris short. He busts his ass for me to be a stay at home mom. I'm proud of him and his career, and anyone who can't at least respect that isn't good enough for me.
So good bye 20's, bring it on 30! I'm exactly where I should be and looking forward to the future. Happily married and in love with my best friend, raising a beautiful baby girl, girl friends near and far who lift me up, supportive loving family, and finally finally not giving a shit what anyone else thinks. Hallelujah!
Monday, May 2, 2016
Children's Museum
I've taken many kids to the children's museum (in Atlanta and Denver) and have always loved seeing them grow and interact there! Today I finally took Juniper because after 3 days stuck inside with snowy weather (yes... I know it's May) we were going to lose our minds if we were stuck inside any longer! This was apparently EVERYONE ELSE IN DENVERS IDEAS AS WELL, but at least we got there as soon as they opened at 9 and had a good 40 minutes because packed mad house ensued.
Juniper was very out going and didn't get timid until it was VERY busy and overwhelming, she's coming out of her shy phase and I'm equally relieved and saddened! I'm not going to lie, the shy Juniper was a little more cautious and less dare-devil. Sighhh...
I promise she had fun! When she was laughing and running full speed ahead my hands were too full to have my phone out :)
The children's museum just finished a huge renovation and I have to admit I liked the old toddler area better. It was a little outdated but the play areas were really cute and practical. Instead of the tree house, the pretend garden, the little market, and the tables they now just have a big super modern pretend dentist area. It's creepy y'all. Teeth blocks and mice running around with teeth and I think they just went way over board with the dentist theme. One small area would have been fine! But the part of the toddler area that is the same is my favorite, juniper loves the stuffed animals and tunnel and stairs to climb. We had a fun day! She's currently in her crib NOT falling asleep, I imagine her little mind is doing its own blog version of our day.
Have I mentioned I love being her mommy? Juniper - I love being your mommy. You bring me so much joy and I'm so thankful your daddy is providing so I can experience these days with you.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Vacation pt 3.
Juniper got to meet NeeNees horse Max. From far away she yelled "dogggggg!", then we got closer and she said "neigh". She was totally fine giving the horse a "pat pat pat" but if he tried to move closer she said "no no no. Byebye. Lub you" ❤️
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