Monday, November 30, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year!

Yall, I love Christmas. Like, I LOVE LOVE CHRISTMAS. I think Thanksgiving is the perfect start to the Holiday season. Even if we can't be with family, were reminded to just stop and think and remember what we are thankful for before we go gift crazy. I love giving gifts. I love spending time and picking out something special for someone and feeling so accomplished when I get it right. Gift cards suck...just sayin . But back to things I am thankful for; like green bean casserole, stretchy yoga pants, and coffee creamer. I am most thankful for my sweet husband this year, and the beautiful little girl we made together. I am thankful for all of our family and their love and support. I am thankful for our beautiful friendships that have withstood the test of time, and distance.

I am beyond excited that this is the first year Chris and I have purchased a Christmas tree together! We were either living in tiny apartments in Atlanta and buying tiny fake Charlie Brown trees, or we were saving up for a wedding and a big move, or we had just moved and spent all of our money on the wedding, or we were super pregnant and didn't want to deal with taking decor down with a newborn. This year on the day after Thanksgiving; Chris, Juniper and I drove to a Christmas tree farm in 19 degrees, and picked our perfect tree. I know Juniper doesn't quiet "get it" yet, but she still finds the tree fascinating and home girl knows how to rip up some paper, so Christmas morning should be fun!

 Merry Christmas, Yall. I hope your Holiday season is filled with Peace, Love, and Reeses' Christmas Trees.

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