Thursday, December 18, 2014


“Worry is a misuse of the imagination.”
Dan Zadra

There are thousands and thousands of quotes when it comes to the art of worrying. At least that is what my Google search is telling me at 3am this morning, as I cannot sleep, riddled with worry. The quote above truly resonates with me, as I have always had a very wild and vivid imagination. Normally upon falling asleep each night my mind takes me to far away places (very happy places) and I fall asleep to dream about very weird, very silly things. I have never thought about a "good" imagination being associated with a deep level of worry although now that I do it makes a lot of sense. Just as my mind can make up an elaborate day dream where Chris and I travel the world with our children while learning different languages and saving orphans and living with can also go to a deeper, darker place, where I constantly think of all of the things that could go wrong. I have always deeply appreciated my sense of imagination. My imagination makes boring situations not so boring. My imagination has made nannying 100% more fun as I could relate and be silly with children on an entirely different level. I know I get my imagination from my mother, although I am pretty sure she doesn't have the worry side as I do. She is very much able to "live in the now", and has learned that stressing about tomorrow will do absolutely nothing for you.

Before this pregnancy I worried a little, but I ultimately knew that everything was going to be just fine one way or another. Now that I am pregnant I worry to the point of giving myself anxiety. I worry to the point of needing to Google "worry" at 3am when I should be sleeping. I worry to the point where I can not sleep... because my mind is too wildly worried.

I know tons of mothers who worry, even tons of seemingly laid back mothers who have a million different anxieties when it comes to their children. Is this part of the territory? Now instead of minimally worrying about yourself you have to maximally worry about another human being, one that for a short time you are solely responsible for? After nannying for extremely uptight mothers in the past I have always said I would never let myself turn into that person. I said I would still be fun and laid back and "careful - but not crazy". I see the mothers who cannot let their children climb a play set on their own in fears of the child slipping and falling. I see the parents using sippy cups until children are well past the age of being able to hold a "big kid cup" on their own in fears of the mess they may make. These things very well could happen, and do happen often, but does that mean we must hover under our child's every move to protect them from ever making a mistake or having an accident? I hope not.

Baby Juniper hasn't actually entered the real world quite yet, but I find myself worrying non-stop. Not just about pregnancy and birth related accidents, but about things months and years away. My once happy go lucky dreams have turned stressful. I woke the other night from a very vivid dream that I had already had our sweet baby girl. In the dream she was still on a 2-hour feeding schedule yet I kept forgetting and not feeding her until the 4 hour mark. I kept wondering why I was such a bad mother and how could I just go 2 extra hours without thinking to feed our baby?

I look around our house and think of all the things and places where she could hurt herself. I have a running list of what needs to be child-proofed once she is crawling, pulling up, walking. Mind you, some of the best children I have ever had the pleasure of nannying grew up in laid back households where parents did not believe in child proofing their home in any way and taught their children what not to touch...and I swore I would be this way too. But now I view the world as this huge entity just full of things that can hurt our baby. I worry that I will slip and fall while holding her. I worry that our house is too cold or too hot for her to sleep comfortably. I worry that we won't teach her to grow up and love the world around her because despite all of the scariness, it is a beautiful world to be in. I worry that I will accidentally complain about myself in the mirror in front of her and give her self-esteem issues. I worry that when she becomes a teenager she will hit that dark place that many teenagers hit and that I won't be able to reach her.

So, is this par for the course? Am I destined to be the crazy worrying over protective mother (who was once a very laid back, but cautious, fun loving nanny?) Is this normal for pregnancy? I know the crazier dreams can be blamed on pregnancy...I just hope this new found anxiety can be as well.

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”
Corrie ten Boom,

I do not want the strength of today taken away with my worry for the future. I will find my happy, easy going, fun loving imaginative self again and I vow to not let my daughter grow up with a mother riddled with worry and anxiousness over things that are beyond our control. What will be, will be. I vow to let Juniper climb to the top of the play set so I can see the pride in her face when she accomplishes such a big feat, without her mother standing below begging her to be careful or to come back down. I vow to let her use a big girl cup just like my Montessori students did, so she can learn to wipe up her mess and move on - spilled milk is nothing to cry over. I vow to try daily to show her the beauty this world has to offer, whether it be from the kindness of ourselves or others, the amazing mountain sunsets in our own back yard, or simply through the amount of love that her father and I have for her.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


                       .... & some nursery lovin' 

Baby Junipers nursery is all ready to go, we just need her to gain a little more fat over the next few weeks and then make her appearance! Eeeeek! SO excited! I didn’t think that getting the nursery together would be that important to me. I have always thought “Crib, dresser, clothes, done!” I now think that the nursery helps you to focus your energy on something other than “the countdown”…while you definitely have a count going on in your head, at least with a nursery project you can also have the thought “not yet – your room isn’t ready!”

My sweet Nana gave me her old sewing machine 4 years ago and as of last month I had never used it. Chris and I took it out one time, Googled “how to use a sewing machine”, couldn’t figure it out and returned it to the box for the next 3 years. Last month I decided there were two things I absolutely needed for Junipers nursery that I could not find anywhere. She NEEDED a pillow for her rocker, and a pendant banner to go over her crib and zero on the market were exactly what I was looking for. We loaded up the sewing machine and took it to a local sew shop and for free of charge…they taught me how to use it! I mean minimally, of course, I still had to Google tips and advice throughout the entire project, but I am so proud! 

Harper was very confused at this process. 

Are they perfect? No! Do I love them because they are the first projects I have attempted and I made them for our sweet baby girl? Yes! 

If anyone wants an imperfectly sewn anything for their baby made with little skill but lots of love – I’m your girl!

The color doesn’t come through just right in pictures, but her room is the prettiest lightest minty-est of colors. I didn’t want a loud or busy nursery. No hot pink and lime green zebra stripes over here. (No offense if that’s your style! More power to you!) I love that our bedroom is our sanctuary, where we sleep and relax; I wanted her nursery to be a relaxing sanctuary for her as well. 

I hope that my next blog post will be the welcoming of a very healthy Ms. Juniper Grace. We will hope and pray that the remainder of our pregnancy goes smoothly, safely, and healthy. Until then, Mommy, Daddy, Harper & Poncho will continue to wait as patiently as possible. Well… Mommy and Daddy will! Harper and Poncho will continue to not know what the hell is going on until their life is turned upside down with the arrival of a tiny new human who may steal some of their cuddles and attention.  

Just ask  if you’re interested to find out where any of the furniture came from. Between Target and Amazon it is all very well made, affordable, and easy to assemble pieces!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Never gonna sleeeeep againnn"

I have heard people talk about that phase in the last trimester where your body/mind prepares you for having a child and waking up for feedings every few hours and you are no longer able to sleep. I don't think it is some crazy phenomena that your smart body is preparing you for- It is a very logical situation. It simply boils down to peeing every single hour, the inability to get comfortable, hurting once you have laid on one side for too long, but knowing that if you roll over to the other side you will be out of breathe for 10 minutes and your significant other will wake up to the sound of you heaving...from..rolling over. Tonight is the first night I have chosen to stay on the couch rather than stay in bed, not because I don't love my bed, but because I really do love my husband. I don't want any uncontrollable third trimester anger raging as he sleeps peacefully and I struggle to balance a pillow behind my back, a pillow between my legs, a pillow under my huge belly, two pillows under my head, and two feet out from under the blanket...because did I mention how being 25 pounds heavier makes you 50 degrees warmer?!

I would much rather complain about the sleep situation than the actual pregnancy. I feel so guilty if I whine about it because I know it could be way worse. I am growing a precious baby girl that Chris and I already love so much, and that alone makes up for feeling like a huge turtle stuck on its back. We have been very blessed that although at some point during this pregnancy I have experienced what seems like every pregnancy symptom known to (wo)man - so far Baby Juniper is healthy and so is this mommy.

We are literally on our final countdown. Next week we have our 36 week ultrasound appointment where we see approximately how much Juniper weighs, how long she is, and which direction she is facing. I do know that for the past 2 months she has been head down in the birth canal, and all of the sudden TONIGHT she has decided to flip over. Her cute little hiccups are now above my belly button rather than far below. I hope she turns her defiant little self back around before the doctor makes any decisions about the birthing situation! We haven't seen her since our 20 week ultrasound, so I am counting down the days until next appointment!

The nursery is complete. yall!  I will definitely be posting pictures soon seeing as I am quite proud of the outcome! I just picked a few colors and had an idea in my head a few months ago and it has come together so beautifully. We have lived in our house for a little over a year now and her room is literally the only "finished" room. We put lots of love and labor into it and seeing Chris put together ALL of the furniture with zero frustration or bad words is another adorable thing that shows me just how excited he is to meet his daughter!

Any week now our little girl will be here, in our arms, ready for hugs and kisses, and that my worth the not being able to sleep/breathe/eat/walk/bend over/ part.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Juniper's Baby Shower

What a GREAT weekend!

I flew back to Georgia on Wednesday October 29th (also my very last day of nannying) to spend 3 full days with friends and family and good ole southern food...and man...did I eat southern food ;)  Between the crab cakes and the fried chicken and the pimento cheese sandwiches and cucumber sandwiches and chicken salad croissants and slow cooked green beans with potatos and deviled eggs and petit fours and the best sweet tea a girl could ask for.. and... and and... needless to say, baby Juniper and mommy have very full, very happy bellies. Don't worry - we are now "detoxing" with tons of water and fruits and veggies.

The entire trip was perfect. I was able to see my sweet nana in the hospital (she is recovering well and goes home tomorrow!), I spent a full day with my mom, and two special days with my amazing in-laws. There is never a long enough trip to see all the friends and family that I would like to see and I truly regret that...but maybe one day!

I am so thankful for the people that Chris and I have in our lives (and sweet baby Juniper's). The baby shower was so much more special than just gifts - every card moved me to tears and just having everyone together celebrating our baby girl truly meant the world to me. My best friend Sara knit baby Juniper a blanket.... I didn't even know Sara could knit! It was just all so special to me and I love knowing that Juniper will be raised surrounded by so much love, kindness, and thoughtfulness.

As of today I am "officially" unemployed & on mild bed rest. AKA - time to nest and focus my energy on the nursery! I cannot wait to update this blog with the progress of the nursery and the anticipation that comes with awaiting the arrival of Baby Juniper!

9 weeks to go, yall!

 Me and the grandmas! Nay Nay & GiGi
 Renee's Best Friends - Nancy, Audrey, & Rita

 I absolutely love everyone in this picture!
 Embracing the curves...they are growing a baby!

 My sweet nieces

After a busy (but amazing) weekend I am happy to be back home with my husband and pupcakes.... LET THE NESTING BEGIN!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What do 1st time parents NEED?!

Hey Yall!

We had a perfect fall weekend here in Colorado, topped off with SEC wins, peanut butter cookies, and pumpkin carving. We couldn't wait for the pumpkin patch to open - we purchased good ole grocery store punkins to get our Fall fix! Our good friend Katelyn and her sweet baby Aiden came over to carve with us - but look closely in the background - Sweet Aiden had more fun pulling up the old tomato plants (Thanks Buddy! A chore we have been avoiding!) It was so exciting just thinking that this time next year our little girl will be here and able to help us scoop out pumpkin seeds and wield the knife. ;)

Super proud of these pumpkins - I don't care that it's not even October yet!

Anyways, I have been reading everyyyyything on what first time parents may or not need and some of the things I have seen are absolutely ridiculous. I found one list which title read "The Ultimate First Time Mom Needs" and do you know what #2 on the list was? Do you even know?! Heels. High Heels. "A good pair of comfortable but sexy high heels to last you the third trimester and first couple of months with baby". Ummmmm. No thanks. I rarely wore heels as a non pregnant woman, there is no way I will start now. Heels made it even higher on this list than a crib!

So I figure I can read as many blogs and lists as I want to and still possibly not know what baby will need. I keep joking that I always start nanny jobs when the babies are 6 weeks old, so I have no clue what to do the first 5 weeks!

So mommies, mommies to be, any non mommy friends with newborn experience, Please help me out!  What would you add to the list of needs/wants/ that will make transitioning into this new life a little easier?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

You Are Our Greatest Adventure...

I cannot even express how excited I am about the prints we ordered for Baby Junipers' nursery. They haven't been shipped yet but I cannot wait to share - so I am going to share the stock photos with the wrong name on them!

SUPER ADORABLE, right?! Because I purchased them on Zulily I cannot find the exact ones for you - but I do know that they are by Finny and Zook They have adorable height charts that I am debating purchasing, although it will be quite a while before Ms. Juniper can stand and be measured :)

The best time of the year is right around the corner - Fall is in the air, yall!  "Life starts all over when it gets crisp in the fall" - Fitzgerald   It really does feel like a new start when fall rolls around, more so than January 1st, in my opinion. Cooler weather comes and washes away the hot hot summer, leaves change into the most beautiful hues of autumn, and you get to cover up those couple of pounds you forgot to lose over the summer with the coziest of hoodies. Chris and I are a little too excited for purchasing colorful mums for the front porch and visiting the Pumpkin Patch in a couple of weekends for the most perfect pumpkins for carving! - Hopefully this trip won't turn out like last year, when we didn't make it to the Patch until after the first frost, and we basically arrived at a pumpkin graveyard. It's a great place affiliated with Denver Botanical Gardens and even has a a little pumpkin patch with child friendly sized pumpkins! On Pumpkin Festival weekend kiddos can get their faces painted, attempt the corn mazes, go on hay rides, and enjoy lots of tasty treats! Chatfield Pumpkin Festival

I look forward to sharing more of Junipers' nursery as it all comes together. (and our pumpkin carving ventures!)

 Happy Weekend!

<Thank you to everyone who has been so concerned, so far my hypothyroid levels are under control and Juniper is a healthy little kicking ninja baby. We can NOT wait to meet her!>

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Come One, Come All

Hi! After a very long break from blogging, I have decided that with the expected arrival of our first child and hopefully being a little more mature than the last time, it is time to start back. Looking back, my old blogs weren't actually blogs. They were more like Internet diaries for 18 year old me full of me whining about boys, college professors, bad grades, car problems, and the inability to master the art of straightening my hair - to no one in particular.

Today I am a happily married, expectant mother, doggie-mama, who is fast approaching 30 (who still can't quite perfect her hair.)  I have nannied full-time for the past 10 years and although I have always loved my job - I believe with the arrival of our first child I will put this chapter behind me. So what is next? Your guess is as good as mine but I am so excited to find out! That's where you come in- I would love to take this journey with others. With friends/strangers who have been where I am, who are where I am, who are fast approaching this stage, and those who can look back with tons of advice and laughter on this stage of their life.

My husband and I got married on October, 20, 2012 at my wonderful in-laws vacation home in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Three days later we loaded all our stuff into a Uhaul and made the 24 hr trek out to Denver, Colorado. Life has been challenging since the move, but my husband has since settled into a career he loves and excels at - the medical marijuana industry- and I have enjoyed learning a new city with amazing mountain views.
                 So here we are, just trying to Make The Best of What's Around!