Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Where does the time go?!

I'm sure one day when Juniper is much, much older I will be asking myself the same question all over again. I know for those with older kids they may think I'm silly for not believing my girl will be "only" 7 months old on Friday.  (I didn't edit this until a full month after I began writing it. Mommy hood, right?! Juniper is now almost 8 months!) 

My heart is so full. I want all of my best friends who don't have babies yet to run out and get pregnant ;) because the amount of love and joy I feel being this sweet loves mama, I cannot express in words. 

Juniper is still exclusively breastfed. We made it to the 6 month mark & beyond, so now my goal is 12 months unless she decides to wean on her own beforehand. We have started introducing solids and because of her hatred for puréed foods we are doing baby led weaning. Only a couple of "bites" , if that,  are making it to her belly, but she's enjoying the experience and not fighting it like with the purées! I was so excited and I went out and bought a ton of organic fruits and veggies. I spent the day roasting and steaming and pureeing and freezing - & girlfriend wants nothing to do with them! 

Her first tooth popped through the gums on Saturday, August 1st. Just a week shy of her 7 month birthday! 

Sleep & naps are still all over the place, some days she shows improvements and I get my hopes up and then we start all over again. So as long as she is happy & healthy (which she is) I'm not stressing it anymore. It'll be soon enough where she sleeps through the night & I will miss our midnight cuddles. I can kiss her sleepy peach fuzz head 100x without her pulling away 😍 it's kind of my fave. 

She's been sitting up on her own for a little over a month now, and rolls all over the place. She is showing no sign of crawling yet but I'm totally okay with that! 

Juniper has learned to reach her arms up when she wants to be held. It's. The. Best. 

So much love, y'all ❤️

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